Tuesday 17 November 2015

Baby Quilts

The days of "baby" blue and pink are long gone!

Leanne brought me a couple of beautiful baby quilts  a few weeks ago.  This first grey and yellow was  made for a friends new baby.  We chose to quilt  straight lines just following the pattern of the  quilt.

 The colour combination in this quilt is so fresh.   I had a hard time deciding which fabric was my favourite, overall I think it was just the combination of colours that appealed to me,


I turned it so you could see the great fabric  that Leanne used for the back of this quilt.
She is donating this quilt to raise money for a "Movember " event.

Check out the pattern; simple half square triangles with the occasional strip of fabric between, it adds another dimension to the quilt.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Lucky babies! Two lovely projects.

  3. Great pictures of the quilts Sandy. They now reside in pretty nurseries, one in Toronto and one in Kingston. I look forward to more quilting in 2016!


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