Thursday 10 September 2015

Timidly Embracing Technology

Timidly Embracing Technology

Welcome to my first blog post !!

After much prodding from family and friends I am finally going online with my quilting adventures.  I have enjoyed  following blogs for the last few years and appreciate seeing the growth of other quilters.  I will be posting about the happenings in my studio with a few tutorials to help you prepare your quilts for long arm quilting.  

I would never have been able to do this without the help of my friends  Deb and Valerie, who have been after me for ages to show my skills as a talented long arm quilter.  

I will have to organize and  retrain myself to  remember to take more pictures  before the quilt goes to its forever home.  Who knows... maybe you can teach an old quilter "New Tricks"!